Title: Two Thrones .
Stuck: Susana Eevee.
Editorial: SWAT Group. Excalibur Fantastic collection.
Gender: Fiction / Fantasy / Epic.
Pages: 400.
Home: Calderón Studio.
Price: 18'95 euros.
1st Edition / November 2010
ISBN: 9788415156055
The kingdoms of Aldaria erected and drag a past of hatred and strife. The fragile truce between the two is not a mirage that will soon explode if either of you get any advantage over the enemy.
Soot, Prince erected, has grown inhaling the aroma of war and hatred that is inherited along with the weight of the crown. Their fate is written as heir. However, it will own destiny who show an unknown past and will shake the foundations of their world, opening to him a trail of blood, pain and lies.
We face a history autoconclusivos , so that the plot lacks unnecessary subplots and addresses a central axis without excessive branching, which leads to complete resolution in four pages, and where it gets the reader's attention since its inception more pronounced as we approach the final.
regard to the structure, the author has skillfully played with several bands. The first chapter has been betting on short, fast read and accessible language. The second, dividing history into two parts: Book One: Heroes Tears and Book Two: Heart Heroes, a duality that is not lost on the attentive reader that can also be found in the double crown of the title of the novel and the two names of its protagonist Soot-Doogan, both paths "O". A very detailed Borges, who is curious.
omniscient narrator's voice is not intrusive but to provide the necessary information at key moments. So unfolds to focus attention on important passages of the plot development. With legendary clean tone I get into the legend that carry the two peoples and is, in turn, the centerpiece of the last erected and Aldaria. Others, however, becomes a wave sequence and descriptive, to take breath and dive fully into the battle. The sex scenes have been worked with the dynamic nuances for the particular time and a prose to detail, careful with care. The lines of dialogue are light, adapting to the various registers of the characters.
Its slow / fast / slow, interrupted by a precise chronological change that breaks the linear structure of the plot, but this will produce a remarkable plot twist. Small retrospective flashbacks are well introduced, unfragmented over the metric of the speech.
This novel has been designed from the male point of view, because despite the tears of the hero, his actions and development environmental era (medieval), have been treated by the author as befits a historic period in which the woman was a mere instrument of power, although it has made concessions to some female characters.
There are not many fantasy elements in the novel, but enough to draw regular attention to gender.
The final, conditional, is not exempt from the progressive pitch changes to bring the reader into moments, where we see the careful measurement of rhythms, changes of scenery and focuser (leads from one character to another to give us a total picture of what happens.)
Susana Eevee has recreated a scene full of nuances and unique landscapes for his first novel. We save the stupid thing when dealing with relationships between men and women show does not skimp on the violence, the horrors of war and the scars of the soul. No lie. Known open the doors of the palace erected with equal mastery that housing a farmer or the terrible mines Hass. We will rock in the desert of Ure-Berek, inhabited by nomadic tribes, table delicacies and scenes filled with eroticism, to conclude our journey behind the walls of Betengard and up the dusty stairs of the Tower of Geomande.
Soot, the protagonist of this story is not conventional. It's a tip or those who do not usually fall well Is this good or bad? It depends. Some may see this as an example of innovation and not others. What is clear is that Doogan Soot-the reader interested from beginning to end, you will hate or love, or both things. Its evolutionary turn is bestial, although this should enhance the reader in childhood and memories stolen from the antihero: dissolute and treacherous for some and unquestionably brave for all.
In Two Thrones find a bunch of light up the dark side of soot-Doogan crossroads in its journey towards the truth, and with which we shall pass the best and worst moments: the stubborn Fiendus, grandfather of soot, the patient Magda, his grandmother. The big River gled and their children, and the young captain Fynn Osther; the delicate Emet, the redhead Roy ...
I, no doubt, I'll take the black king Mintha. Brave and ruthless, with a captivating personality and getting the best score in round characters in this story, but you know that going in taste.
And, of course, as I believe that reading is not advisable that make us reflect on our own self, I prefer the story, the hero's descent into hell and brutal struggle with his inner demons. A classic, but essential.
In short: Two Thrones is an unforgettable journey where you will be dragged into the adventure of a two-headed cyclops named Soot-Doogan.
As recommendation the reader would say that before going into Two Thrones put aside their archetypes. References and records will find common to epic fantasy in its pages, but not in the final set. And finally, there is no better critical reader himself, for which, ultimately, the work was conceived. The last word will always be yours.
I hope you have a little closer to this novel that I had no luggage to travel to the imagination and to be back, no doubt, when you feel the need to dive back into its pages .
If you want to know more about this novel and its author and if you want to read the first chapter : http://susanaescribe.blogspot.com/
The map is Rocío Prieto.
Two Thrones Review by Luisa Fernández .
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